The cherry blossom
is a success in our neighborhood despite the long wait through the rather cold early spring. My wife Yoko and I are blessed with having a canal surrounded by cherry blossom trees right off our third floor east facing sunroom window and balcony, and these photos were taken through a small telescope from the sunroom.
The rain yesterday took its toll as expected but there are still a percentage of blossoms that manged to escape the deluge. Today we went to Kyoto Gosho but unfortunately we couldn’t be accompanied by Conversation students from the Smith School of English in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園. The bad weather yesterday forced us to cancel the planned outing and rethink, and this recap will come in another post shortly.
Take one last look at the blossoms and sigh, for another year has come and gone. This April marks the start of the new fiscal measures by the government to improve the economy and hanami parties were extra vigorous and enjoyable! Can’t wait for next year!
Martin Werner Zander
Smith’s School of English in Kotoen 月謝制 Monthly Tuition English Conversation School
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