Photography is a new hobby of mine. It started about 2 years ago when I bought a 1982 Canon AL-1 with a 35-70mm zoom lens. Since then I have tried and tried and tried to improve my photography skills. Although I do believe I am improving, I’m still lucky to get 3 good pictures out of a roll of 24. Recently I have had coffee with both Adrian from Smith’s School of English Hirakata and John from Smith’s School of English Kawanishi, both of whom are amazing photographers (and quasi role models of mine or “senpai”). Adrian takes a wide variety of photos, and I enjoyed looking at his photos, in particular his photography in Japan (excellent example HERE). John’s photography in Japan is usually of nature in Japan.
John has lots of pictures of other areas of the world, but his photography in Japan is especially appealing to me. Recently John has been highlighting the natural beauty and wildlife of the Kansai region, in particular within Osaka city proper. John has a keen eye and excellent photography skills. To view his recent Kansai area nature pictures, check these out:
My WabiSabi 侘寂 Photographs
A Great Day Out – Hiking from Namaze 生瀬 to Takedao 武田尾
My Kind of Town part 1
My Kind of Town part 2
So I have decided to highlight some of the natural beauty and wildilife of British Columbia, Canada. Although I do no have John’s photo taking skills nor his Nikon D3, I recently watched a great video about the natural beauty and wildlife of British Columbia. The video focuses on wildlife of BC’s Wild Coast. Although I am from Vancouver Island, I have only seen a few of the animals you can see in this video! Enjoy.
Beautiful British Columbia “Calling From The Coast: Exploring BC’s Wild Coast”
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Hi Edward
I’m really touched by your words about my photographs. If it gives you any comfort, I typically take over 200 photos on a day out. That’s the beauty of using a digital camera. The downside is I don’t have enough time to work on and print all of my pictures. But on a single day I will take many shots that I delete; 3 good ones out of 24 is a very good proportion.
Thanks for your references to my work.
Smith’s School of English, Kawanishi
Me again. I hadn’t watched the video when I left my last comment. WOW, what staggering beauty. I am inspired to work harder to save for a holiday in BC. Wonderful little movie.
Smith’s School of English, Kawanishi
Thanks for your comments, but I stand by my statement that you are a great photographer. You have a good eye for finding the shot. I believe we have a similar style and enjoy taking pictures of the same things, thus the reason I like your photos so much.
This is becoming quite a conversation. Thanks again for your comments about my pictures.
One small point (maybe not so small for the proud citizens of Nishinomiya), but my town is Nishinomiya, a friendly but very independant city between Kobe and Osaka. Much as I love Osaka (phrase), it’s Nishinomiya that is “my kinda town”.
Thanks again
just noticed your article Ed…thanks for the compliment. Like John I shoot digital so I take a bunch and thanks to the law of probability some turn out well. With all the success you’re having up there you might want to consider getting a Nikon D40 – cheap and good. Then you shoot digital for this, that and the other. Then shoot film for the special shots.