Here at Smith’s School of English we really have the opportunity to be our own boss. We have the chance to teach our students directly or hire teachers and just be the business owner and manager. I don’t know if I can speak for the other Smith’s teacher-owners but I for one have never felt so satisfied with any job I have ever had. Yes, there are times when things don’t work and you struggle but in the end your success is up to you and your own effort. If you do the things that have been proven to work, you can and will succeed with this business.
I have been at it for a little over 2 years and have realized an ROI of 343% in 25 months, I am now earning nearly as much as I was as an OEM operations manager for a major electronics supplier to the automotive industry. That certainly is a lot better than working for one of the big corporate English conversation schools or trying to make money teaching in cafes. And I do work hard but it is certainly better to work hard for yourself than for someone else who is throwing so much of the students’ lesson fees away on expensive TV and print ads.
The simple fact is that the Smith’s Franchise system works well for both teachers and students. Teacher-owners realize the maximum benefit for their hard work to help their students. Students benefit from having a teacher who really has a vested interest in their success at acquiring higher English ability. I am dead sure that a Smith’s teacher who owns his school will ALWAYS give a better lesson and go the extra mile to make sure the student is learning and satisfied with the lessons. A teacher at one of the big corporate schools will also work hard but does not have the same vested interest in seeing that the student really improves and continues to attend. The monthly tuition system is good for both the students and the teachers as it fits our students’ lifestyles and it keeps the teacher-school owners on their toes as teachers. This system works for everyone who makes the required effort period!
Also, the people in this franchise system are always working hard to improve it. We share our thoughts and learn from each other and the system grows stronger every day. TEAM is our acronym and stands for “Together Everyone Achieves More!” This applies to everyone in the franchise from the staff to the teachers, to the students too. Everyone achieves more when we work together as a team! The opportunity provided by Smith’s is real and it works! On top of everything, being your own boss, being able to wear comfortable clothes while on the job and really help your students perfect their English ability is nothing short of FANTASTIC. Thank you Smith’s!
Al Bartle (Smith’s School of English – Okamoto)
I couldn’t have said it better. The joy of watching your students grow, being able to contribute directly to their progress AND feeling pride when they succeed could not be had working at any other company. Truly a fantastic system. And the TEAMwork behind it all offers a nice backboard to lean on for support. Nice.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Hi Al,
you inspired me and I am pretty stoked to try to catch up to you now! In my own turtle ways of course (I follow the way of the turtle… an ancient eastern philosophy).
You are certainly right about the great aspects of being your own boss, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Have to go and get ready for my halloween party now. I get to do it my way!