Watching the news about the tumble of the New York Stock market and hearing all the gloomy economic news should remind us all that nothing beats good old hard work to assure your own success. You really cannot depend on rising stock or real estate prices. Too bad we all did! Who were were we kidding?…..Ourselves!
So with that here is a challenge: Your goal is to reach 1,200,000 Yen in sales in one month based on your own (only the owner-teacher’s) effort within 12 months. For those with one or two part time teachers, lets set the goal at 1,600,000 Yen. What’s the prize? Good question. I have some ideas but let’s share some. I am waiting to hear from fellow franchisees and the founder too.
By the way, I may reach that level in the near future but I really think we ALL have to strive to do it in order to see the true synergy effect of TEAM. So I too have got to get out there and promote heavily too, but really, who benefits if we all get out there more and more and more? We all do! So let’s do it NOW!
How was my pep-talk?
Al Bartle (SSE FC Okamoto)
Edward says
Nice pep talk. I’m allllllll charged up. I’m up for the challenge, but dont forget to set STAG’s. Big goals that are difficult to control are not the best to have. Setting lots of weekly and monthly [promotion] STAG’s will help achieve those bigger goals. Simple STAG to set: spend 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the next 2 weeks, promoting your school (any form of promotion is okay). Good luck!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Al Bartle says
You are right, of course! But remember the exercise to set an income goal that we did a few months ago. We also need to have a bigger goal in the back or our minds. So here is one. I think you and Chihara can easily do it. So let’s go for it!
Al, SSE Okamoto
jim says
Al, you set a great example for all of us. Nothing wrong with a good long-term goal. I am with you on that and might get there. It has been slow and steady here since I started three years ago, but very steady indeed…Thanks for your words.
As far as the stock markets go, I am an investor in that, and yes I have lost lots in the past year. With that said though, I am in it for the long haul and still have plenty of time to rebound, so I continue to invest small amounts each month. Many bargains to be had now that I believe will pay off in the years to come. All is not lost, good days ahead in that department.
Your advice on local promotion is surely spot on. Thanks again.
Al Bartle says
Thanks Jim, I am with you on believing that we may be near the time to get back into the market again. As you know investing a little each month will in the long run, pay dividends due to dollar-cost averaging. In fact several of my students are starting to talk about getting back into the market in a big way. But for now I want to wait a little and concentrate on building up my school. I really liked your comment about promoting at different times of the day. I fully agree and have gained students from efforts during the non-morning hours too. Actually, people are more likely to take a flyer and to stop to talk at the other times, since they are not rushing to catch the train. Big things are achieved through small steps, so as Ed says STAGs are essential. Achievement of the bigger goals will come gradually through small but steady steps. The main thing is to keep promoting and doing the best job we can to help our students to acquire a better command of English and thereby to meet their bigger goals. When they do, seeing their faces light up is worth more than the money we earn. It is really great!
Al (SSE Okamoto)