I recently got another nice comment from one of the English Conversation students at theSmith’s School of English in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園.
He said, ‘When I started here studying English with you I had trouble but your class is very good for me and I feel better every day.” This is an actual quote, an honest and impressive effort considering the difficulties he was having just one year ago. That has all changed.
I imagine every one of us in our Smith’s School of English franchise system has a story or two like that to tell every so often. Why not share them here for everyone! スミス英会話 I know that at the Kotoen school I will always try my best to earn these comments from people. 甲東園校
Good luck with promotion and with your lessons!
Martin Werner Zander
Smith’s School of English Kotoen 月謝制 Monthly Tuition English Conversation School
Well done, Martin! One of the many good reasons we do what we do.