I love to be seen out and about in Koenji. It all starts when I wake up in time to be at the designated spot where I decided the night before to hand out fliers. I really enjoy it very much and believe that it has another great benefit as an exercise routine. Who needs Billy’s Boot Camp when you can get a work out and at the same time get some PR and advertising material about Smith’s School of English into the hands of prospective students. I feel like I am on stage although I am not acting as I really believe in being friendly, and in joking, smiling and laughing – I do it in the classroom and my personal life all the time so why not when I am exercising and having fun.
I am very animated and make enough noise to be heard over the traffic and to gain the attention of all the locals that passby. I also just love to say good morning to the Smith Koenji students -passed and present and even trial students who have still not decided to join or who are waiting to use up the left over coupons issued by another school . I just love to see their smiling friendly faces and it is a much better work-out than being stuck in a stuffy gym with bodies that make mine look fat. I guess it’s those trick mirrors that they use in those places it must be something like that as I look so much bigger, in the mirror, than all those other people who visit gyms. In fact even the one in my apartment is the same so there must be alot of those trick mirrors in Japan.
I always wear my Smith’s T shirt to and from the flyer distribution location and keep it on even when I visit the supermarket etc and on my way to the Koenji School of English. I often have people stop and talk to me about my Koenji Smith’s School of English, usually a question asked is where are you located and of course I give that kind friendly person a flyer. Talking about kind people I have many wonderful admirers both men and women who regularly stop and have a chat with me. Their smiling faces light up my life and ignite that enthusiastic spirit within.
When I get to my English school I always have a quick shower and freshen up then I am ready for a wonderful day chatting with my friends, yes I think of all my students as friends. What a fantastic job I have chatting with friends all day.
スミス英会話 高円寺
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