Hello everyone! I wonder how many of you will instantly be able to recognize this interesting scene!
Well, rainy season is upon us at last and although the temperatures are fairly comfortable and the humidity is on the whole a little less daunting than usual, we are still getting more than our fair share of rain! As a result, it is time for a little humor to brighten up the day.
Most of you living anywhere near Kobe should immediately recognize what this is, and the irony in that is the vast majority of you have also probably never witnessed this particular scene for yourselves. It was taken on November 30 last year, give or take a day.
What an atmospheric photo if I do say so myself! It is the Construction of Luminarie. An irony for my wife Yoko and I was that, because we were so happy to witness this, we decided to ditch the crowd and not to visit Luminaie at all last year! We were already more than satiated. Perhaps on occasion we ought to look deeper into something and read more carefully between the lines to find the true treasures in life. Maybe that’s why some of us like living in Japan!
Martin Werner Zander, Smith’s Partner
Owner of the Smith’s Franchise in Kotoen
Rick says
I’ll take that over the crowds any day, Martin! Luminaria is certainly fun and lively, but the experience gives new meaning to “going with the flow”.
Does the entire installation go up in one day? One more question: is the arcade open, business as usual, daytimes during the event?
Martin says
Yeah, the sardine tin corridor needs more like three days to go up and business is as usual in the daytime. At night most shops probably have their hours shortened but I have no idea what the policy is.