Just want to draw attention to the kindness of people here.
Today I was having lunch at a restaurant across the street from our school in Azamino, and decided to make a quick run to the convenience store to pay a few bills and pick up a couple of things. We’ve had rain the entire week, but it looked like it was letting up, and since it wasn’t raining at the time, I left my umbrella at the school.
(There has been major flooding in some parts of Japan, especially in Aichi. We’ve been very lucky out here in Yokohama.)
After I had finished lunch, I enjoyed a leisurely stroll in the light, misty rain, without an umbrella. I love the sensation of a light, warm rain on my skin, but rarely have the chance to enjoy it.
Wouldn’t you know, after I got to the 7-Eleven, not even a minute’s walk away, and stood at the checkout counter, there was a deafening crash of thunder and suddenly sheets of rain started falling. It was really something!
My husband and I are in there often, and know all the full time staff. (They have also been watching my belly grow in anticipation of the big day.) Even though they actually SELL umbrellas, when they saw I didn’t have one, they offered to grab an older one that wasn’t being used out of the back room to lend me.
Was I grateful! Thank you 7-Eleven staff!
This is but one example of the fine treatment we get from our neighbors here in Azamino, especially other shopkeepers. There is nothing like having a neighborhood school, especially in the neighborhood in which you live! Thanks Smith’s!
Deana, Smith’s School of English Azamino
I have had a similar experience here at the local bakery that I frequent. I also like to keep a couple spare umbrellas at the school for passing the kindness shown to me by others to my students.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu