Sir Francis Bacon once said “Knowledge is Power.” And he WAS right. Back in the 16th century those that had knowledge had power. Information was a commodity that the rich controlled.
Oh, how times have changed. In high school I remember using the dewi decimal system to locate any information I could on an English king, only to spend hours in finding a single book with a mere 3 or 4 paragraphs on him. Now any 6 year old with access to a computer has access to a vast power at his fingertips. Today the problem is that we actually have too much. Do a search for your favorite pastime and you come up with thousands of webpages which would take hours to sift through. Statistically most people don’t go past the first 20 hits. It’s no longer a question of how to acquire knowledge but rather knowing how to use what we have.
So while the old axiom worked for centuries now we have to understand that our education is only as good as how well it can show us how to assumilate that knowledge and turn it into and effective tool for the world around us.
Luckily, every 3 months the Smith franchises get together and go over what’s going on in the industry at large as well as how we can improve as a whole in our teaching, management, advertising, etc. With the schools working together acquiring knowledge is easy but the key is that through each school’s successes and failures we learn how to improve the system as a whole. Business can be tough and in this day and age of such uncertainty it’s nice to know that I’ll always have the help of my fellow franchises and the guidance of Mark Smith.
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