Every week I find piles of great videos. Some are interesting, some are strange, others are just fun. Every week I’ll post my weekly video recommendation here, for your enjoyment. Although not specifically English study videos, all of them can be useful to you in your English studies. Don’t understand something you see or hear? Don’t sweat it- it takes years of study to be able to understand everything a native speaker says. I’ve been studying Japanese since 2007 and I can only understand about 20% of the dialogue in Japanese movies and dramas. So pat yourself on the back if you can understand even 10% after only a few years of study. I recommend you watch each video 3 times- the 1st time just to get the general idea of the video, the 2nd time try to get more detail out of the dialogue, the 3rd time to really bring it all together. Good luck!
This week’s video is about some truly amazing ingenuity coming out of south-east Asia. This video shows a man making and installing a very simple solar light to bring light into the homes of millions for cheap, as well as finding a use for old plastic bottles. This light is made from an old bottle filled with a mix of water, bleach and minerals and is used to transfer light from the sun to the interior of dark homes. These homes are located in a shanty town in the Philippines, and due to the houses being so close together, very little natural light can get into the homes. Since electricity is not available to such poor people, this solar light is a fantastic solution. Cheap, easy to install, and most importantly not dependent on an electrical company. Students- this video is not in English, but it has English subtitles. Check it out!
My wife and I are challenging ourselves to conserve energy and prevent waste. Timely and informative report, Ed!
So cheap and simple, yet so effective! Great idea.
We too are trying to live Eco-friendly. No air-con, no unnecessary lights, rarely use our car, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Gotta take care of this planet!