Ok, so what is most needed in just about everything we do? It is absolutely, without a doubt, confidence! Look around you today and try to find what is missing and perhaps the root cause of the economic downturn plaguing the world. It is the lack of confidence. Confidence to buy things, to start new businesses, to invest in the future. Of course this bad situation is exacerbated by the financial crisis that is now preventing banks from lending money. Previously they were far too loose with lending and now the pendulum has swung completely the other way and the banks seem to be hording the money and have raised the bar to qualify for a loan too high. Even Donald Trump is complaining that he cannot borrow the money he needs to build his business.
So where else is confidence needed? It is needed EVERYWHERE and in EVERTHING we do. For those who want to master a new language, confidence is perhaps thge most important thing. As my friend, Adrian explains in his post, “You Can“, Japanese usually lack the confidence to speak English even though they have studied it for 6, 8 or more years. When they see a foreigner which presents a chance to practice English, they almost always refrain from starting a conversation with him or her. Of course they are also shy and may not even start a conversation with another Japanese person though they obviously have the confidence to speak their own language. However, the people I am talking about are those who I see everyday on the train studying English vocabulary books and English novels. Of course they may in some cases be very good English users, but I would guess in most cases they still need a lot more practice and many still don’t have sufficient confidence to speak. So here is a challenge to them, talk to a foreigner next week! It is very important. The more they do this, the more their confidence will grow and the better they will feel about themselves, their English ability, their lives and who knows, maybe this could be contageous and catch on and people will again have the confidence to buy things, invest in their future and get this economy moving again. Let’s get going!
In the current economic downturn those looking for the very best value in English education in Japan at a school having the most dedicated teachers can’t go wrong by choosing a Smith’s School of English. Monthly tuition, dedicated teachers with a vested interest in their student’s success and no pressure from the sales staff make Smith’s School of English their very best choice.
I think so. How about you?
Al, SSE-Okamoto
Oh, for fun I put the Wikipedia link for the TESLA Roadster Electric car here. It is a really cool car and I am sure it took a lot of confidence to develop it. Check it out! TESLA Roadster
Adrian says
Confidence is something that takes time and it can only be achieved by consistent practice. But practice alone isn’t enough, we need to have someone there to correct us showing us what we need to improve on. I know that I only started truly learning Japanese when I had the support of my homestay mother who had Eiken one and could easily speak in English when I couldn’t understand. I’m not sure I would have returned to Japan if not for her. She was the one that gave me the confidence to use my Japanese and for that I am eternally grateful.
Al Bartle says
You are absolutely right Adrian. That is why we Smith’s teachers must be here to help our students. We are really coaches of communicative confidence.
Carol says
Great post, Al! I agree 100% It’s amazing what confidence, the simple belief that “you can”, can help you to achieve. A lot has been written about what makes a successful person. Many believe that the most important thing is confidence, the belief that what you want to achieve is possible no matter what other people say, and the confidence to make it happen.
As Smith’s owners and teachers, we all had the confidence to make our lives better. We can help our students improve by giving them the confidence to succeed.
Carol, SSE Kamishinjo