At Smith’s School of English Fukushima one of the things I really love is having a night out with my students! Recently, a group of 13 students and I went to a neighbouring barbecue restaurant to have a meal together. The name of this restaurant is Saien (彩苑). Our English School is next door, and the staff are always happy to help us and we get a great deal on a dinner set! When the meal arrived I realized the special service this restaurant offers. So much food! So delicious.
I guess we all have things in life we love. We all differ I know, yet in my mind sharing a meal and drink with people you like is one of the best things anyone can do in life. Of course because the restaurant served such large portions it meant we could all enjoy drinking and eating together for quite a long time. We all had such a good time that we decided to go to a karaoke place nearby and sang for hours! I can’t wait for the next night out with my amazing students!
It’s true I always seem to be writing about enjoying time out of the school with my students, please don’t worry, we do study English conversation as well!”
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