As a Smith’s School of English coach of communicative confidence one of our most important goals is to ensure that our students trust us and are relaxed during their lessons. Our attitude, body language – facial expressions, posture etc, empathy and friendliness will all play a part in achieving this major goal.
Many of the “Let’s Talk Conversation Course” topics enable us to “get to know our students” by helping us and the students learn about each others likes and dislikes, which subsequently helps to formulate friendships between teachers and students, and students with other students.
I particularly enjoy the following topics which, without doubt, allow both parties to find out interesting things about one another and go along way to developing trust and creating friendships: Work, Movies, Sports, Music, Food and Drinks, Television, Famous People, Ghosts, Environment and Current Affairs.
How about sharing with us some of your favourite discussion topics and those that your students have the most fun with and gain the most from?
スミス英会話 高円寺
Edward says
Ken- i agree with you 100%. The “Let’s Talk” curriculum is a great way to stimulate the students and really get them talking. In particular I like “Ghosts”, as this is a really popular topic in Japan. I have been told several times by students that they love good horror movies, especially in summer, and that many Japanese people watch them in summer to keep cool! So this summer when its hot out, watch a scary movie and see if it works! Edward