I would like to say “Thank you” to Ed Iwaskow from Smiths School of English Otsu for taking the time to make the video of our Smiths School of English 2009 Osaka Castle Park Cherry Blossom Viewing Party, and then handling the numerous special requests from all of us on changes and edits to the video and for putting up the final version recently on our Smiths School of English YouTube channel.
Thanks Ed! Many of my students have watched and enjoyed it!
I recommend anyone reading this post to take a few minutes and check it out!
Ed’s got some video making skills!
Alex Stanciu
アレックス スタンシュー
Smith’s School of English Nara – Saidaiji
月謝制 の スミス 英会話 奈良 - 西大寺校
http://www.smithweb.co.jp/school/saidaiji.shtml 英会話 西大寺 奈良市
Really good video there Ed! It looks like everyone had a great time. Well done.
We’ll see you at the next Smith event.
SSE Sakai Higashi.
Thanks Alex and Tim,
I actually really enjoy making videos. I use Windows Movie Maker- it`s quite simple and [I find] quite easy to learn. This was my 5th video using this program, and I am still learning how to use all of the functions.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Hey guys,
This video was great. I have shown it to most of my students and introduced the ssejapan channel on YouTube to them. But I must say that every student was really impressed and enjoyed this video. The editing was good, except maybe the multiple repeats of me saying “you’re beautiful” and my student saying “thank you”. But that’s OK. All in the name of having fun, right? By the way, that particular student has fantastic singing voice, having studied to be an opera singer. She loves American pop music and can really belt out tunes by almost every popular artist, men and women alike. She can sing faster and louder than me in English. That is saying a lot, especially about her speed. She reads English books with good understanding and is a pleasure to coach. This just shows how much fun it is for students and teachers alike to be associated with the Smith’s School of English. A school that really cares about the students and works each day to help assure their success. Great fun!