Although his chances of winning this years spring sumo tournament have become pretty slim, Harumafuji 日馬富士, the wrestler formerly known as Ama, will be cheered on by the folks down in Smith’s School of English, Tsuruhashi and by many of the other residents in our area. We are fortunate enough to have his camp pretty much right in our own backyard. The Isegehama beya training grounds where Harumafuji is situated out of is just a stone’s throw away from our English school. Thanks to the wonderful students that live in the area, I was informed of the exact whereabouts of his training camp. As I have yet to meet the Ozeki in person, I have been constantly passing by to try and get a sneak peak of him training. I’m hoping that this weekend I will be able to get the chance to see him in action.
I’ve been following sumo for quite a number of years now. I’m not sure of the real reason why I became so interested in it, but i think it may have something to do with the fact that when I first came to Japan, it was the only thing on T.V. that I could understand. Two big guys in one little circle. One pushes, the other falls. Game over. Simple enough no matter what language it was broadcasted in. So, I began to follow it regularly and have attended a few of the basho’s live in Osaka. Slowly I’ve begun to realize that there is so much more than just two fat dudes pushing eachother around the ring. The technique, training, and dedication involved is quite in depth and takes years and years of dedication. One has to truly admire such dedication.
So, with that said, I will continue to support Harumafuji as he climbs his way up the sumo ladder. At only 129 kilo’s, he is without doubt the small man of a big man’s sport. However, being as small of an Ozeki that he is, I believe his heart and his will to win are larger than all the others. Go gettem’ Harumafuji!
Mike, this is sure a good story. Sumo is quite something to see. And to have a ‘room’ so close to your school, you are certainly lucky.
Thanks Al,
It was really great having it so close by. I’m looking forward to seeing him again next year when the room comes back. I’m hoping that by then he will have Hakuho’s number. He’s almost there…