I had my fourth lesson with a student who started man to man (one on one) lessons at my Smith’s School of English in Koenji (スミス英会話高円寺 ) last Saturday week. The original purpose for her to commence English lessons at my monthly pay English conversation school (英会話月謝制) was that she had a job interview coming up last Thursday that was to be conducted in English and she wanted some guidance on how to approach it.
She ended up having three lessons before the interview in which we discussed and practised English executive style questions and answers for job applicants. It all went quite well and I was confident that she would capably handle the employment interview the following day.
Well she did do well, although she first had to overcome the shock of noticing, when she walked into the interview, that she would be interviewed by four people – one Japanese and three caucasians. The interview lasted one and a half hours and she has been called back for a second and final interview today. So last night we spent close on an hour refining and embellishing her answers to questions that she was advised she’d be ask to address today.
I am not sure what will transpire in her interview today but I know that she has the desire, enthusiasm and ability to succeed and as it shines through when she answers questions I know that if I was making the decision as to whether I’d employ her or not I’d have no hesitation in asking her to join my organisation, not only because she made the right decision to take English Conversation (英会話) Lessons at Smith’s School of English Koenji (スミス英会話高円寺) but because I have no doubt at all that she is the best person for the job.
Smith’s School of English Koenji
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