The “Entertaining a Foreigner” lesson in the Smith’s School of English curriculm is not only a way for students, and teachers for that matter, to learn the English meaning of many everyday Japanese words but it is also a fantastic means by which to encourage them to speak, ask and answer questions and have a very beneficial conversation class.
I am ecstatic that the Koenji students enjoy this great mind expanding communication lesson and that it also enables me to add “by the way words” to their vocabulary. As an example when discussing “uni” and its English meaning “sea urchin” I also talk about the meaning of “urchin”, “shell fish”, “abalone” and “scollops” thereby generating more questions from the students.
In a nutshell it is a simple but stimulating multifaceted lesson.
Edward says
We at SSE Ohtsu also love this lesson. In particular, i like to ask the students obviously ridiculous questions to stimulate them to explain more fully. For example, when discussing “sento”, I ask “what kind of bathing suit should I wear?” or “How many people fit in the bathtub?” or “What if I end up in a tub with an old lady?”
Students really enjoy “fixing” our misconceptions, and this lesson offers an easy way for students to expand naturally. Thanks for reminding us of this great lesson!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Al Bartle says
Entertaining a foreigner is certainly a great lesson and can be expanded into some great conversations.
Al, SSE Okamoto