Living in Japan and working with students at Smith’s School of English – Koenji
(スミス英会話高円寺) is an everyday scintillating experience .
My classroom is a place of learning and not only for the students to who I am a coach of communicative confidence, but also for me as I get to chat about an incredible range of topics with school children,university students, young and experienced business men and women, public servants, teachers (even Japanese English teachers) entertainers, housewives, grandmothers and fathers etc And yes I love it.
I was once asked if I had to give up any one group of pupils which group would I cast aside and in addition which group I thought was the most rewarding. My answer was easy. I would not give up any as they are my friends, and friends like family members, are to be cherished, As well each and everyone of them brings a different perspective and sparkle to my life.
Some of them study English because they need it for work and/or they want to be able to write on their resume that they speak English fluently, and yet others learn English to assist them to get a promotion and in some cases an overseas posting, to help them to write, read and respond to English letters and emails and to speak with foreign customers (in person or on the telephone), others because they use English when travelling overseas on business or pleasure. There are some who enjoy English music and/or movies and reading English magazines and books..And yet another group to which English is a brilliant hobby. Many of the elderly who come to my conversation school (英会話) use it as a way to keep their mind active, as an active body with a rusting mind leads to a non productive life, in other words it’s a sort of preventive medicine for the mind.
It is so rewarding to coach students to communicate with confidence, the progress that students make from week to week, month to month and year to year brings delight to my heart and puts a smile on my face.
I’m often asked, “Why do you teach English in Japan?” and my answer is that I am always so glad to see each of my students each week and to see how enthusiastically they’ll confront the English lesson for that day.
I am passionate about teaching, in fact when I was young I wanted to be a teacher, and now after having led a very successful businessman’s life I have at long last attained my dream by becoming a Smith’s School of English coach of communicative confidence in Koenji (高円寺) where students pay for lessons by the month (英会話月謝制高円寺) – the safest way to study English is with Smith’s School of English.
Yes we at Smith’s School of English coach communicative confidence.
What a great life. What a great place.
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