The weekly mini lessons on the smithweb site are really helping students to get the most out of the Smith’s curriculum by preparing them for part of the next week’s lesson. Now there is also a video sample included in which one of the teachers explains the meaning in Japanese and English and gives a few examples of how the phrase is used so the students can hear it. They can also practice saying it right after they hear the example. This is great for the students. After reading that week’s mini lesson on the site, watching the video sample and practicing the examples, they can then think up an example of their own and bring it to the next lesson to demonstrate to the teacher and the other students. Then the teacher can check it and correct any errors in grammar, intonation, pronunciation and stress to make it truly perfect. This process is great for the students and they move a step closer to speaking like a native speaker with each lesson. I highly recommend it.
I know that there are many students who read this soapbox so I encourage them to do the mini lessons every week and really strive to get the most out of their experience at Smith’s School of English. Don’t forget to make your teacher work hard to make you the best English user you can be! T.E.A.M. = together everyone achieves more!
Video Sample of Mini Lesson for March 14-15, 2009
Adrian says
Thanks for all your hard work Al…it’s very much appreciated. I hope all the students are making use out of this tool. I have all my lower level students checking the Japanese Soapbox so I’ll tell them about the video this week.
Much appreciated.
Al Bartle says
You are welcome. I even showed it to a trial student today as a special point for Smith’s. We use it for our students to practice the new One Point for the week and then to prepare their own example for the next lesson.
I think it is a great example. I enjoy the challenge to speak Japanese too to explain the meaning.
Tim says
Great stuff Al, that’s an impressive amount of work you’ve put in there! No doubt your students are reaping the benefits of your efforts too, and I’m sure it’ll help in trials.
Adrian says
Trials – what a great idea Al. You are the man 🙂 I’m sure I speak for all of the students and teachers when I say keep up the great work.
Ken says
Hi Al, These are very professional and dare I say much better than videos in which a person is shown talking to a camera, whioh I feel is very boring and off putting.
Congratulations on getting this up and running. My major concern is that if too much is provided on-line then students will think that they have no need to attend classes. Of course we know that face to face coaching and talking is a must but I’m sure if we give too much away on-line then we are encouraging students to stay at home and study. Best regards.