スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。スミス英会話上新庄校の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここで す。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 I have been watching the new pictures flooding the travel bulletin board at my English school in Ohtsu for the past month. It seems this summer was a big one for students, and Japanese people in general, to travel. My English school is not big, but my students are great, and apparently […]
Helping a student prepare for studying abroad
This month a 14-year-old student studied English conversation with me at my English conversation school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. She will be going to Germany in August and studying with other international students there in English for 2 years. She wanted to be able to communicate with other […]