This is an interim report on the Smith’s Okamoto school. I took over the Smith’s School of English in Okamoto in July 2006. It had been in operation since September 2004 (6 years total so far) and it had only a tiny 15 active students at the time I took over. This month (August […]
(スミス英会話) A Foreigner in Japan – with a camera
I have had a great love for photography ever since the first time I saw an image appear on a piece of photographic paper (as if by magic), in a friend’s darkroom. For several years I produced monochrome photographs in my home darkroom, and had some success, exhibiting and winning awards in several countries. That […]
Phrase Lessons (Second Response to Ed’s Request for a STAG)
As a second stab at working up some sentences to add to those posted by Ed of the Otsu Smith’s School and those added by me earlier. Here are five more sets of sentences. I hope they will be