A stone’s throw from Hankyu Nagaoka-Tenjin Station, WineBar TeRRA is a great spot for a casual bite and/or glass of wine. If you ride the Hankyu through Nagaokakyo, you can’t miss the red sign and storefront at the north end of the station, on the east side of the tracks. SSE Nagaokakyo held a wine & […]
New Students
It is so beneficial to be cordial and friendly in the neighbourhood. A friend told me once that it is not necessary or expected to speak to convenience store staff when they greet you. I disagreed with my friend and continue to greet and talk with the staff. I try to be joyful and uplifting. […]
All the trouble started with “a” and “the”
Everyone seems to have trouble with “a / the”. I know it’s difficult, so I think in order to teach it I will just tell you a story and see if you can put “a” and “the” in the right place. I’m married, and my wife is ____ nice Japanese girl, so sometimes there is […]