スミス英会話大津 日本語のサイト 先生のブログ チハルの部屋 英会話無料レッスン ここです My interpretation of Smith’s School of English Instructor Training 101: becoming a teacher takes years, but to coach students to confidence takes care, support and a good environment. After years of coaching English both at Smith’s School of English in Ohtsu, Shiga and at a big chain school in Kusatsu I have learned that the key to […]
Broadway Musical; NOT a Day Off at Smith’s!
Smith’s- why do i love thee so? Let me see……. when i “worked for the man” at another English school in Japan and we had a slow day, i would be assigned some boring paperwork or cleaning job. Lately Wednesdays have been quiet at MY school, Smith’s School of English FC Ohtsu