Yesterday (Sunday) was a day off from my great job teaching English in Japan to fantastic students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校) in Tsukaguchi (塚口), Amagasaki (尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture (兵庫県). As usual, I spent the day with my wife and daughter. We had a nice late breakfast at the ACTA Nishinomiya Starbucks Coffee store in Nishinomiya’s shopping […]
INVICTUS – A Journey to my Birthplace
Recently, one of my students at my English conversation school 英会話, Smith’s School of English, Kawanishi スミス英会話川西校, mentioned to me that the movie Invictus had been released in Japan, and that she was keen to see it. She told me about this because I was born and brought up in South Africa, and Invictus is the […]
A Great Two Days Off with my Wife
Monday of this week was a Japanese national holiday, so I was off from my rewarding job teaching English in Japan at my English conversation school(英会話スクール), Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi(スミス英会話塚口校), located in Tsukaguchi(塚口), Amagasaki City(尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture(兵庫県), Japan. I was off on the day before that as well (Sunday), so I had 2 days in […]