A stone’s throw from Hankyu Nagaoka-Tenjin Station, WineBar TeRRA is a great spot for a casual bite and/or glass of wine. If you ride the Hankyu through Nagaokakyo, you can’t miss the red sign and storefront at the north end of the station, on the east side of the tracks. SSE Nagaokakyo held a wine & […]
Hello from Smith’s Nagaokakyo; スミス英会話長岡京校からの自己紹介
Where to begin? That question has been tossing around my mind the past couple of days, as much–come to think of it–as I’ve been flopping around in bed these hot summer nights. A day in my Nagaokakyo life? Another beat the heat post? Some favourite Kyoto spots? So many good examples precede me, it’s enough, […]