Last Sunday I was off from my great job teaching English conversation (英会話) to wonderful students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話 塚口校), which is located in Tsukaguchi (塚口), Amagasaki (尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture (兵庫県), Japan. My wife and I spent part of the day helping her younger brother move to a new apartment in Tsukaguchi. […]
Shutter Island
During the Smith’s Golden Week holiday my wife and I went to a movie theater to see Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley and Max von Sydow. This psychological mystery-thriller is a film adaptation of the novel by Denis Lehane and is directed by Martin Scorsese. I highly recommend seeing it! It was great! […]