Recently, I have decided to learn to write kanji (漢字). I already can fairly read Japanese texts, but when I want to write even a small text, I could not remember the kanji, so I always had to use a computer or phone. That is why I started to study kanji again. I prefer to […]
decorating our English Conversation school in Fuse with swertia japonica センブリ
スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。 日本語のメインサイトはこちら While in the past few week I often chose flowers which where imported to Japan and thus had a Katakana name originating from an European language, this week I am decorating the English Conversation school 英会話教室 in Fuse, Higashi Osaka 東大阪布施 with an original Japanese flower, a swertia japonica, センブリ in Japanese. Even thought the flower […]
On Tuesday while working I over heard a conversation between Adrian and Yasuko. Adrian asked Yasuko which she thought was more difficult to learn to write, Japanese or English, and she of course said Japanese. Maybe some students don’t agree, but Adrian then asked Yasuko, “How do you look up a Kanji in the dictionary?”, […]