スミス英会話堺東・なかもず校講師が書いた記事。日本語のメインサイトはこちら→((スミス英会話 堺東校)(スミス英会話 なかもず校) A lot of Japanese people enjoy playing golf and so does Adam-my Smith’s School of English franchise co-owner. I am also a fan of this sport, so when I received an invitation to join some friends for a round of golf at a short par 3 course last Sunday, I happily accepted it. Working […]
My first experience racing a yacht
TO SEE A VIDEO, PLEASE CLICK HERE. It was July 5th, 2009. My day started with Smith’s School of English founder Mark Smith picking me up by jeep in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan where I live. It is also where my English conversation school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校), is located. We met up with the […]
スミス英会話堺東・なかもず校講師が書いた記事。 日本語のメインサイトはこちら→(スミス英会話 堺東校)(スミス英会話 なかもず校) I have been absent from the soapbox recently as I have been ajusting to the highs and lows of parenthood and juggling this with my job teaching English in Japan. However there was a special occasion last Monday that I wanted to share with you. It was my son’s Omiyamairi (お宮参り)at Houchigai Shrine(方違神社), which […]