The task of keeping high quality English Conversation (英会話) coaching facilities open in an organized, professional and healthy manner has become increasingly difficult for many English School these days. Smith’s School of English is doing quite well
Japanese Highway Engineering and the 3D Video Camera.
So what do Japanese engineers do when they run smack into a large building that is blocking the progress of their new highway? Tear it down? Go around it? Nope they go straight through it taking care not to disturb the other tenants.
Aisatsu Wa Daiji Desune
Upon arriving in Japan I spoke no Japanese at all. I set to and studied the language and slowly but surely one new phrase after another came into my sphere of understanding. One of the first phrases I recall hearing a lot was, “Aisatsu Wa Daiji Desune” Literally the phrase means “Greetings are important aren’t they” and you hear […]