The Japanese designers never fail to surprise me with their simple but appropriate innovations. A few years ago I often was a bit disappointed when I would quite often get on the Hankyu Railway train and notice that some people were developing the habit of spreading out on the seats of the trains such that […]
Welcome to New Students
I always have a great time teaching English conversation (英会話) in Japan to my wonderful students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校). Teaching English in Japan may be my job but it often doesn’t feel that way because I’m having so much fun! (^.^) It is always great having people come in for a […]
Communicative Confidence in English 英会話 in Japan
Teaching English conversation (英会話) in Japan to wonderful students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校) is lots of fun. I love helping students work towards achieving a level of English where they can communicate in English with confidence. English is so useful and important in today’s world. Whether it’s for work, travel, communication […]