Today my student and her husband came to my house for lunch. We enjoyed English conversation, cheese fondue, beef TATAKI and pineapple, chicken and shrimp gratin along with some fine Italian wines and cake and coffee from Kobe. This was the second time we had lunch together. The first time was at my student’s house in Kobe. […]
リクウエストをする能力は大事ですね The Ability to Make Requests is So Important!
I think that one of the best lessons in the Intermediate level is the lesson on “Making Requests”. The students really cannot get too much practice at doing this. The number and variety of such requests is limitless and makes for a great lesson. The example list using “verb + topic” is very useful and […]
Valentine’s Day 2009 at Smith’s School of English- Okamoto
For those who are not familiar with the way Valentine’s Day works in Japan, let me say it is so much better than in the states where the guys have to go out and get chocolates and/or flowers for their wives and girlfreinds. In Japan the girls give the guys in their lives (almost all […]