スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。スミス英会話上新庄校の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここで す。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 Adding another great event to the ever-growing list of fantastic community events happening in Japan: Community Softball! Although we have a standard bulletin board in our community, we also have a small clipboard version which circulates. A few weeks ago the
A Canadian in Japan: My First Time in Tokyo Day 3
Continuation of A Canadian in Japan: My First Time in Tokyo Day 1 and My First Time in Tokyo Day 2 I needed to get a new Canadian passport, so I decided to make the trip to Tokyo and get it done in person. I had never been to Tokyo and so I was quite […]
A Canadian in Japan: My First Time in Tokyo Day 2
Continuation of A Canadian in Japan: My First Time in Tokyo Day 1 I needed to get a new Canadian passport, so I decided to make the trip to Tokyo and get it done in person. I had never been to Tokyo and so I was quite excited. I live in Ohtsu, which is a […]