In a previous post I gave some advice for students who read the Smith’s School of English Soapbox. The TOEIC test requires a lot of concentration. In general the more that you prepare yourself by using English for longer periods of time, the easier it becomes to concentrate for the two hours required for the […]
New Sign for Smith’s School of English – Okamoto
Wow! That was fun! I just finished making and setting up a new sign on the street in front of my school. My school is on the 2nd floor above a crepe shop called L’air de Temps and a coffee house named Cafe Deco in Okamoto. It is a popular spot as it is about […]
リクウエストをする能力は大事ですね The Ability to Make Requests is So Important!
I think that one of the best lessons in the Intermediate level is the lesson on “Making Requests”. The students really cannot get too much practice at doing this. The number and variety of such requests is limitless and makes for a great lesson. The example list using “verb + topic” is very useful and […]