スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ Have you ever wondered what you might find if you simply got off the train at some random station and walked around? Maybe a station that you have passed numerous times while commuting back and forth to work. Recently, as I have written previously, I have made it my STAG (short term achievable goal) […]
紅葉を見に枚岡公園へ行った(Autumn Maple Leaf viewing at Hiraoka Park)
スミス英会話奈良西大寺校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ After reading several postings by my fellow franchisees on the topic of autumn maple leaf viewing here in the Kansai area I decided to introduce a smaller less well known but beautiful park where one can enjoy the beautiful changing color of the maple leaves in autumn. Here in Kansai some very popular, and […]