スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Last Sunday I joined one of my students from my English conversation school (英会話スクール月謝 ), Smith’s School of English Nakamozu (スミス英会話 なかもず校), for a fishing trip off the Wakayama coast. I was picked up from outside the Nankai Nakamozu (南海線中百舌鳥駅) and Midosuji Nakamozu stations(地下鉄御堂筋線なかもず駅), and we set out for the 2.5 hr drive south. The weather […]
Sakai Higashi Restaurants
スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Last week Smith”s School of English Sakai Higashi スミス英会話 堺東校 (月謝) and Smith”s School of English Nakamozu スミス英会話 なかもず校 (月謝) had an end of month dinner for students and friends. We regularly have dinners or lunches with English conversation schools’ students which is a great way for students to practice their English conversation in a social environment. Sakai Higashi restaurants […]
UME SHU!! 梅酒!!
Last weekend, I decided to try my hand at making some home made ume-shu. Ume shu(梅酒) is a delicious Japanese plum wine. Actually, ume isn’t a plum- it’s like a cross between a plum and apricot. The unripened green fruit are infused into a clear spirit (焼酎, shōchū) with added rock sugar and left over time, […]