I think that one of the best lessons in the Intermediate level is the lesson on “Making Requests”. The students really cannot get too much practice at doing this. The number and variety of such requests is limitless and makes for a great lesson. The example list using “verb + topic” is very useful and […]
何よりも自信を要するConfidence is what is most needed!
Ok, so what is most needed in just about everything we do? It is absolutely, without a doubt, confidence! Look around you today and try to find what is missing and perhaps the root cause of the economic downturn plaguing the world. It is the lack of confidence. Confidence to buy things, to start new […]
英語が使えた!Older Japanese Couple Discovered They Could Really Use English!
On Friday a few weeks ago, an older Japanese couple who have been studying English with me for over a year together, went to Kyoto and found out, despite their continuous assertions to the contrary, that they could really speak English. The weekend before they were sitting in a hotel lobby and the husband noticed […]