One of my university students recently asked me to check her essay. She had to write this and submit it to be chosen to enter a special department at her university which focuses on the cultural aspects of English. While checking this, I realized again how important it is to have higher level students write […]
英語が使えた!Older Japanese Couple Discovered They Could Really Use English!
On Friday a few weeks ago, an older Japanese couple who have been studying English with me for over a year together, went to Kyoto and found out, despite their continuous assertions to the contrary, that they could really speak English. The weekend before they were sitting in a hotel lobby and the husband noticed […]
英会話を上手になるのは練習で決まる Practice Makes Perfect!
Every English teacher in Japan is constantly asked by students how they can become better at English. When my students ask me, I say you just need to allow yourself the chance to use English more every day. That means you must read it, write it, speak it and listen to it as many hours […]