スミス英会話大津 日本語のサイト 先生のブログ チハルの部屋 英会話無料レッスン ここです My interpretation of Smith’s School of English Instructor Training 101: becoming a teacher takes years, but to coach students to confidence takes care, support and a good environment. After years of coaching English both at Smith’s School of English in Ohtsu, Shiga and at a big chain school in Kusatsu I have learned that the key to […]
SSE Ohtsu Christmas Party 2008 スミス英会話大津校クリスマスパーティ
日本語のサイトはここです。 Chiharuの部屋。英会話無料レッスン。 On the 20th of December, Smith’s School of English, Ohtsu (スミス英会話大津) held a Christmas Party at our favorite local restaurant, Tokorogadokkoi (Alplaza Otsu 6F). SSE Ohtsu students, friends and families gathered for this special event and enjoyed fantastic meals, drinks, and each other’s company. The party started with Edward’s speech in JAPANESE and then everyone introduced himself/herself in ENGLISH. It was a […]
“Hands on” English スミス英会話大津
スミス英会話大津日本語のサイトはここです。 Anything out of the ordinary is fun for students. Some of my favourite lessons are ones that can be adapted to having the student’s using the white board or doing something hands on. Moving around the classroom, using their eyes or their hands or their actions. Role plays are an obvious way to do […]