One of nicest day trips by car that I can think of is a day spent at Rurikei. This is a mountain-top recreational area a few kilometers north of Nose-cho along Route 173, and just inside Kyoto Prefecture, Nantan City. Rurikei has a large number of sights with tons of things to do, and if […]
Driving In Japan : Guess Where This Is … :)
Hello Dedicated Readers!! In this seventh driving installment, I’m putting out a challenge to anyone to try and guess where these beautiful buildings and gardens are located. I’ll give you some hints: It is in Kansai; you have to drive there; it is part of a site with several National Treasures in it; it is not […]
Driving In Japan : Momiji-gari Kansai ( 紅葉狩り )
I know it’s already well into December and people are starting to live without the beautiful colored leaves of autumn. My wife Yoko and I went on a total of five trips into the country this fall with the primary purpose of seeing maples, poplars, birches, cherriers and other deciduous tree species change color. This year has […]