スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ After finishing up work on Saturdays, from time to time I like to meet up with a group of students and friends to relax and unwind over dinner somewhere in the neighborhood of Smiths School of English in Fuse. (スミス英会話布施) It’s a fun way to enjoy some casual conversation after work and also to […]
It’s hard for me to express just how much joy I get out of seeing my students improve in their ability to speak English. While I do speak Japanese most of my students have never heard me speak it because I try my best not to unless students really need it. As soon as my […]
Got time for lunch?
スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ My students are used to me asking this question from time to time in class. I have made it known to all of my students that I am always interested in meeting them for lunch if they have time and our schedules match. Generally Tuesdays and Thursdays are not good for me because I […]