スミス英会話高円寺 Tokyo-Edo Museum “The Edo-Tokyo Museum was founded on March 28,1993, as the place where visitors come to learn more about Tokyo’s history and culture , and which also serves as a projection onto the city and the living of the future. In the Permanent Exhibition area, there can be found original and replicated exhibits, […]
スミス英会話高円寺 The Sport of Kings
The Race that Stops a Nation – the Melbourne Cup. Horse racing is referred to as “The Sport of Kings” (Queen Elizabeth II is a ardent follower & owner) Horse racing brings people from all walks of life together placing them on an equal footing.You don’t need to be rich to buy a racehorse as […]
スミス英会話高円寺 The Changing Face of Japan
Over the last few years I have noticed many changes taking place here in Japan. the ever changing skyline, the introduction of many new abbreviated English katakana words (no wonder the Japanese cannot be understood when they travel overseas and use such words thinking that they are everyday English words) and the way women appear to […]