The last few days of the year in Tokyo have been very beautiful with clear blue skies & the sun shining, of course it is still cold with temperatures –day time around 7C & night between 2-4C It’s the time of the year I like to get out and visits temples & shrines Last week […]
スミス英会話 高円寺 Getting Together
During the second half of 2011 Smith’s School of Koenji had three getherings of students family & friends Two were held at Rainbow Koenji Minami & our year end party was held at ban-kan also in Koenji Minami, each of them had 18 or more in attendance & we all had a very wonderful […]
スミス英会話高円寺TOEIC Results
In the second week of May, on the same day, two of my students brought me the results of their recent TOEIC tests The first was a 5pm & she had attained a score of 815 so I was thrilled for her and then in the following class my student at 6pm topped that with an 850 which […]