スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。日本語のメインサイトはこちら Just a quick post. It seems the Dalai Lama himself has issued a directive to some of our younger learners here in Japan… “The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama urged Japanese youth to…” http://bit.ly/aUeHDS Good luck, Alessandro “Alex” Stanciu アレッサンドロ”アレックス”スタンシュー Smith’s School of English Fuse 月謝制 の スミス 英会話 布施 校 http://www.smithweb.co.jp/school/fuse.shtml 英会話 […]
a perfect flyer day
6:05 am Alarm clock goes off 6:07 am I get up. It`s a perfect flyer day. Nice weather, not to hot. The target location Kintetsu Yao (近鉄八尾駅) of today is perfect. Bag is packed, flyers prepared. A small pack of old ones and a full pack of new ones freshly delivered. Even if it`s still very […]
東 大阪・布施校のスミス 英会話 Modern English モダンイングリッシュ て何?
スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。日本語のメインサイトはこちら Modern English モダンイングリッシュ 英会話 て何?That’s a good question! A few weeks ago while conducting a trial lesson at Smiths School of English in Fuse I asked my prospective student about her goals and aspirations in studying English, as I sometimes do. Her reply was that she wanted to study Modern English Conversation. I must […]