I earlier wrote a post on the birth of my wife and I’s first baby Tina titled “I’m a New Daddy!”. You can read it by clicking here. Tina is a little over 7 weeks old now and is doing very well. I’m crazy about her. She is over 5 kilograms now and puts a […]
スミス英会話堺東・なかもず校講師が書いた記事。 日本語のメインサイトはこちら→(スミス英会話 堺東校)(スミス英会話 なかもず校) I have been absent from the soapbox recently as I have been ajusting to the highs and lows of parenthood and juggling this with my job teaching English in Japan. However there was a special occasion last Monday that I wanted to share with you. It was my son’s Omiyamairi (お宮参り)at Houchigai Shrine(方違神社), which […]