My fellow franchisee, Adrian Shephard, has again written three excellent posts. I share his optimism about the future of the English Conversation industry and my school. I also share his optimism about belonging to a dynamic franchise like Smith’s. Belonging to something bigger with great web presence and kind and a courteous staff is essential. But he also makes an important point about the need for us all to keep moving forward and improving. He challenges himself and his staff to push themselves to improve their techniques and do their best. He challenges his students to push themselves. This is very important and the students who really want to improve will always recognize what he is doing for them by pushing them and respond in a positive way.
I too am taking the same approach toward my school and for my students. Nothing less than best is good enough. Adrian’s explanation about the power of the routines is also excellent. These routines really help the students to complete their English and when I review by asking the questions again at the end, I am amazed at how the students’ answers make them sound exactly like a native speaker. They are truly a great tool that Smith’s has developed through nearly a dozen years in the industry. They certainly are effective and their proper use can assure that students are making progress to complete their English and move closer to speaking like native speakers.
Great work Adrian! If we always strive to do our best, then everyone wins!
Al Bartle (Smith’s School of English – Okamoto)
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