Usually when I write an entry here it’s to talk about how lucky I am to be a teacher here in Japan and to have the opportunity to help the people in my area but tonight I thought I’d focus on something else that I love – technology.
I’m an avid computer user (mac and windows) and have 4 computers at present, I also love digital cameras and have 3 (2 semi-professional and 1 compact). Nothing gives me greater pleasure than researching the latest gizmo and gadget. Yodobashi-camera’s just a joy to walk around. So you’re probably wondering how this relates to English? Well, let’s start off with cameras. The other day my student told me that her husband was interested in getting a new camera and he was considering a few different models. I knew them all well and proceeded to give her my suggestions. While the more expensive camera her husband was interested in I explained why he should consider buying the cheaper model and then using the difference in money to buy a good quality lens. She seemed skeptical so I took her over to my computer and showed her three sites that gave the cheaper model great reviews. It gave me the greatest pleasure to hear the following week that her husband had decided to go with my suggestion. He had saved himself about 40,000 yen and that made me smile. He got a better camera with an extra lens for the price of just a single camera. I love helping my students “save ” money.
I also offer to take my students computer shopping if they want a new computer – I’ll even drive them myself. I just enjoy it. While I’m on the topic of computers I’d like to just say a great big thanks to the great work done here at Smith’s getting people to know about my location. I typed “Hirakata Eikaiwa” on google and ended up being # 1, and on I’m # 6 and 10. That’s means anyone using the web to find their next English school will at least know about me. Being known makes all the difference these days. Having a great location’s automatically great exposure and flyers give us another chance to show our stuff to the public but the internet’s the key in this day and age. More and more people are turning to the web to find information especially here in the technology mecca.
If any of you ever need any computer / camera help just let me know.
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