Wow! My first post. A bit excited, but nervous too. My name is Steve. I’m originally from New York and I’m one of the partners here at Smith Tsuruhashi. (Any other New Yawkers out there?) We just recently completed a three day intensivse training course here at Smith Tsuruhashi. I would like to first give Gavin, Mark, and Smith Kyobashi a shout of thanks for setting up this training course. Thanks guys! defines the word investment as “the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.” I believe our school just acquired a great investment through this training course and I would like to share why I believe so.
They say knowledge is power. I don’t deny that, but I would further add that knowledge applied correctly makes life much easier. When Smith’s new curriculum first arrived at Tsuruhashi, I admit I was overwhelmed. All the big binders, numerous cards, and fancy terminology got me into a freakin frenzy. Our training instructor, Gavin, in three days explained all the contents of the binders, usage of cards, Smith’s methodology in a fun, interesting, and simple to understand way.
In three days, my once frenzied mind was put to ease. Teaching became easier. Managing a school became easier. Thoughts came to my mind. “Holy cow!” (peace Phil Rizzuto) “The Loop really works! I know the Loop!” I can now teach, uhm sorry… coach, any level of Japanese students! Coaching advanced students, which use to seem like a hassle, is now exciting and challenging. I also now know what do with all the documents necessary to properly run a school and when to use them.
I do recommend going through this training course! It’s not only good for new frenzied owners and instructors, but it’s a good refresher for those who are already in the system. It’s an investment because the knowledge acquired has and will further appreciate the value of our school. I hope it will do the same for yours! Later guys.
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