There’s nothing better to warm you up when you come in for a lesson at Smith’s School of English than a nice hot cup of tea.
Not only is tea delicious, but we often hear that tea is really good for your health as well. Tea has been been proven to be good for all sorts of ailments and diseases, including cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, halitosis and liver disease. It also increases the metabolic rate and helps you lose weight.
Not only that, but tea has proven to reduce stress! According to a study, just 50 minutes after a great stress event, people who regularly drink four cups of black tea a day had significantly reduced stress levels, compared to people who don’t drink any tea during the day.
So, that’s another mighty good reason that we like to serve our students a hot cup of tea when they come in for their lesson. Not only does it help keep the frostbite from their fingers as they clutch their steamings cups, but it helps them to relax from a hectic day, and help their health in the longrun.
Unfortunately, if you are one of those people (like me) who like to add milk to their many cups of tea everyday, experts are now saying that milk actually reduces all health benefits of tea! But the other option is to go the English way and add a little bit of lemon and honey in your tea instead. In fact honey has its own set of health benefits, including sore winter throats. If you don’t think you can drink your tea without milk, maybe you might like to try adding soy milk instead, which doesn’t prevent any of the good effects of tea.
Luckily, the most popular drink in Smith’s School of English, Kyobashi, this winter is hot black tea, with no milk and no sugar!
So the obvious conclusion here is that the more lessons at Smith’s School of English you take, then the better health you will find yourself in!
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