One of my students just got back from her visit to Hokkaido. She was kind enough to bring me back a souvenir (Japanese=OMIYAGE) of “corn chocolate” which is one of the local products for which Hokkaido is famous. In Japanese this is type of local specialty is called “MEIBUTSU”. Each particular local area of Japan or prefecture has such special products that are often given as souvenirs upon a traveler’s return from the particular area. So it was a pleasant surprise to get this “OMIYAGE” from my student. It was a very thoughtful gift and is another reason that I love this job and love living in Japan.
After reading fellow franchisee, Alex’s post about OMIYAGE (Click here for the link), I thought I should update this post. Yesterday, I got a package of excellent SANDA Beef from one of my students. This is the link: Yamagaki Beef. This was by far the best present I have gotten, to date. My wife and I enjoyed eating it and we gave some to my wife’s cousin and her family. I need to find a good way to repay this kindness from my student. So I have my work cut out for me.
Al Bartle (Smith’s School of English – Okamoto)
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