ET: I’ve never heard of it
I start by telling the student that there’s a new restaurant in Kyobashi called “Smith’s English School BBQ”. The student looks puzzled and then remembers his one point. He replies in a loud, confident tone, “I’ve never heard of it!” We had a laugh.
Routine 8: Shopping
We go through the routine, paying close attention to articles, which just so happens to be one of this student’s points we are working on together. This student also benefits from listening practice so we go over the pieces of the routine slowly in order to get it perfect.
Item: Ing/Ed adjectives
The student feels slightly intimidated by the new vocabulary and mixes up a few of the adjectives, so I slow things down a bit to meet his needs. We go over the adjectives, drilling in the examples until the student gains the confidence to make up sentences by himself. At the end of this section, the student declares, “this lesson is exciting!!!” It’s good to see the lesson material put into good use.
One Point: Nothing special
This student has a pretty routine schedule so I ask him what he will do tomorrow. He starts to say, “The same as usual.” I introduce, “Nothing special” to him, which he has fun rehearsing a few times as he writes it down in his notebook.
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